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Hazard symbols

Three systems of hazard markings and classification are currently in use. The most common is the ADR (see below). You may also see GHS symbols (link). The third set (link) are now out of date but may still be seen on some packages.

1. ADR transport pictograms and hazard classes

PictogramClassHazard category
1.1Explosive, subclass 1.1
Mass explosion hazard
1.2Explosive, subclass 1.2
Projection hazard
1.3Explosive, subclass 1.3
Fire hazard or minor projection hazard
1.4Explosive, subclass 1.4
No significant hazard
1.5Explosive, subclass 1.5
Very insensitive substances with mass explosion hazard
1.6Explosive, subclass 1.6
Extremely insensitive articles with no mass explosion hazard
Flammable Aerosols Gases
2.1Flammable gases
Non-Flammable Gas
2.2Non-flammable, non-toxic gases
Poison Gas
2.3Toxic gases
Flammable Liquids
3Flammable liquids
Flammable Solids
4.1Flammable solids, self-reactive substances and solid desensitized explosives
Spontaneously Combustible
4.2Substances liable to to spontaneous combustion
Dangerous When Wet
4.3Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases
Oxidizer Transport
5.1Oxidizing substances
Organic Peroxides
5.2Organic Peroxides
Poison Inhalation Hazard
6.1Toxic substances
Infectious Substance
6.2Infectious substances
7Radioactive material
Category I
 Category II
 Category III
 Criticality safety index label
Corrosive Substance
8Corrosive substances
Class 9
9Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles

2. GHS pictograms and hazard classes


Symbol: exploding bomb

PictogramHazard class and hazard category

Section 2.1

Unstable explosives
Explosives of Divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

Section 2.8

Self reactive substances and mixtures, Types A, B

Section 2.15

Organic peroxides, Types A, B


Symbol: flame

PictogramHazard class and hazard category

Section 2.2

Flammable gases, hazard category 1

Section 2.3

Flammable aerosols, hazard categories 1, 2

Section 2.6

Flammable liquids, hazard categories 1, 2, 3

Section 2.7

Flammable solids, hazard categories 1, 2

Section 2.8

Self-reactive substances and mixtures, Types B, C, D, E, F

Section 2.9

Pyrophoric liquids, hazard category 1

Section 2.10

Pyrophoric solids, hazard category 1

Section 2.11

Self-heating substances and mixtures, hazard categories 1, 2

Section 2.12

Substances and mixtures, which in contact with water, emit flammable gases, hazard categories 1, 2, 3

Section 2.15

Organic peroxides, Types B, C, D, E, F


Symbol: flame over circle

PictogramHazard class and hazard category

Section 2.4

Oxidising gases, hazard category 1

Section 2.13

Oxidising liquids, hazard categories 1, 2, 3

Section 2.14

Oxidising solids, hazard categories 1, 2, 3


Symbol: gas cylinder

PictogramHazard class and hazard category
GasesUnder Pressure

Section 2.5

Gases under pressure:
   Compressed gases;
   Liquefied gases;
   Refrigerated liquefied gases;
Dissolved gases


Symbol: corrosion

PictogramHazard class and hazard category

Section 2.16

Corrosive to metals, hazard category 1

Section 3.2

Skin corrosion, hazard categories 1A, 1B, 1C

Section 3.3

Serious eye damage, hazard category 1


Symbol: skull and crossbones

PictogramHazard class and hazard category
Acute Toxicity

Section 3.1

Acute toxicity (oral, dermal, inhalation), hazard categories 1, 2, 3


Symbol: exclamation mark

PictogramHazard class and hazard category
Exclamation Mark

Section 3.1

Acute toxicity (oral, dermal, inhalation), hazard category 4

Section 3.2

Skin irritation, hazard category 2

Section 3.3

Eye irritation, hazard category 2

Section 3.4

Skin sensitisation, hazard category 1

Section 3.8

Specific Target Organ Toxicity — Single exposure, hazard category 3
Respiratory tract irritation
Narcotic effects


Symbol: health hazard

PictogramHazard class and hazard category
Health Hazard

Section 3.4

Respiratory sensitisation, hazard category 1

Section 3.5

Germ cell mutagenicity, hazard categories 1A, 1B, 2

Section 3.6

Carcinogenicity, hazard categories 1A, 1B, 2

Section 3.7

Reproductive toxicity, hazard categories 1A, 1B, 2

Section 3.8

Specific Target Organ Toxicity — Single exposure, hazard categories 1, 2

Section 3.9

Specific Target Organ Toxicity — Repeated exposure, hazard categories 1, 2

Section 3.10

Aspiration hazard, hazard category 1


Symbol: environment

PictogramHazard class and hazard category
Environmental Toxicity

Section 4.1

Hazardous to the aquatic environment
   Acute hazard category 1
   Chronic hazard categories 1, 2

3. Hazard symbols for chemicals

PictogramHazard class and hazard category
O: Oxidizing
T: Toxic
T+: Very toxic
C: Corrosive
E: Explosive
Dangerous for the nature
N: Dangerous for the environment
Xn: Harmful
Xi: Irritant
F: Flammable
F+: Extremely flammable



The guidance contained in this section intended to serve as a general reminder of the risks that are sometimes encountered during the examination and sampling procedure and of the safety equipment that you should use and precautions that you should take.
You must refer to the legislation and the guidance of your national administration for more information.