Instrument Code:A01-01Name:Automatic SamplersSynonyms:Diverter sampler, dipping samplerDescription: Automated equipment for drawing standardised samples of a product. These include: Automatic vacuum samplers for drawing samples of grain from a road or rail wagon.Automatic diverter chutes for drawing samples of grain or other granular material from a conveyor system.Automatic diverter valves for drawing samples of liquids or gasses in pipelines.This type of equipment is usually installed in locations where the product to be sampled is stored or handled on a very regular basis. (Ports, warehouses or pipeline pumping stations.) Picture: Automatic Grain Sampler Robotic Grain SamplerFor drawing samples of grain from a road truck at pre-determined points. e.g. Diverter valve on conveyor systemAutomatic diverter valve - A purpose-built grain handling facility such as this one may be equipped with hoppers that weight the cargo and diverter valves that draw samples at regular intervals from the conveyor or the weighing hopper.Construction and operation will vary from location to location. Application: Frequent incremental sampling of bulk products either in open road or rail wagons – or when bulk products are being moved by conveyor or pipeline. The equipment is installed operated and maintained by the trader or port or facility operator. Operation: The operation of each type of sampler will be dependent on the type and method of installation. A full understanding of the operation of the individual sampler is necessary before the samples may be accepted for official purposes. Copies of operational procedures together with diagrams (if available) should be obtained before sampling commences. The whole sampling operation must be supervised by Officers. Typical examples: Bulk grain or other granular products in open wagonsBulk grain or other granular products being moved by conveyorLiquids or gasses being moved through a pipelineCleaning and maintenance: Maintenance should be carried out by the owner of the facility. Equipment should be tested and certified by the manufacturer on a regular basis to ensure correct operation. Check the maintenance/testing schedule before sampling commences (See local or National guidelines.) List of tools Recommended Sampling Tools