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L01-01 Vacuum Pump

Instrument Code:L01-01
Name:Vacuum Pump
Synonyms:Mini-sampler, ProfiSampler
 Vacuum pump kit, which consists of a pump with PE and PTFE tubes, scissors, pieces of stainless steel weights, fittings, a holder for the plastic tubes, a reduction for sample containers, a portable plastic case. The pump body is made of PE, PP, PTFE, aluminium or stainless steel.
Vacuum Pump
Vacuum Pump


Vacuum Pump
Vacuum Pump
 The frequent sampling of liquids in places where decontamination of sampling tools is not possible. Applicable for depths of up to 4 m (depends on the viscosity of the sampled liquid). If the sampled material contains solid impurities, they can be separated by using a stainless steel sieve placed over the suction tube. The sample passes straight into the container.
 The vacuum pump creates a vacuum in a bottle, which is connected to a hose immersed in the sampled liquid. The vacuum sucks the liquid in and thus the bottle is filled. The sample passes straight into the container. The sampled liquid is not in contact with the pump; only the stainless steel weight, PE or PTFE tubes and sample container are contaminated with the sample. Used tubes must be decontaminated or replaced with clean ones before each sample is drawn.
Typical examples:
 Liquid samples 
Petroleum and other products, including foodstuffs and aggressive chemicals from barrels, vessels and tanks (including from motor-vehicle tanks). 
Convenient for taking samples from vessels and tanks through small holes. 
Frequent sampling of liquids in places where cleaning of a sampling tool is not possible. 
Applicable for depths of up to 4 m (depends on the viscosity of the sampled liquid).
Cleaning and maintenance:
 Disassemble the pump after use, wipe with a dry cloth. Used tubes must be thoroughly cleaned or replaced between sampling operations to avoid cross-contamination.

List of tools Recommended Sampling Tools