CodePIC-202-02General commentary This example shows the actions taken by the officers in this specific situation. The legislation and practices may vary in other countries so this should not be treated as an instruction.These pictures, taken in the Netherlands, show the sampling of consignments containing unknown materials suspected of being narcotics or their precursors.Equipment needed The following equipment for sampling of drugs in different packages was used:Balance for weighing of package units and samples.Uniquely numbered sample reference labels.Plastic bags, different designs and sizes (P00)Big plastic bags for waste (P00)Scissors, spoons, spatulas, scalpels.Roll of disposable paper for covering the working area.Safety precautions and risk assessment For more information on the Health and safety risks see the chapters Hazardous Substances and Drugs & Illicit substances.In this case the suspicious substances were initially identified on site using mobile diagnostics. The opening of each package was done with utmost care and the smallest amount of the suspected substance removed as a sample.To ensure safety and provide a strong chain of evidence two officers were present. One carried out the work while the other witnessed the procedures and assisted by preparing sample bags and labels.The officers wore (lab) glasses, gloves and FFP3 category mask when sampling.The work was carried out in a large well-ventilated space to reduce the risk of inhaling any dust. It was also well lit.A clean work area was made by covering the table with paper and a clean piece of paper was used for each product sampled.The tools were cleaned between each sub-sample to prevent contamination.The blade was changed regularly to cut through packaging material cleanly without crumbling too much suspicious material.Sampling plan Initial checks were made to see if fingerprints or DNA material can be seen on one of the packages.The product and each layer of its packaging was described, labelled and photographed.The official report included:Details of the packaging material(s),The quantity,The physical characteristics of the substance, etc.,Partial packaging was labelled on the basis of packaging layers. For example, two sports bags containing 4 packages of 4 blocks of material each, “1.3.4” would be the sample from bag 1, package 3 and block 4. These serial numbers were noted on the sampling form.Photographs were taken at each stage, to provide a clear understanding of the seized consignment and all of its sub-packages. For determination of quality the Dutch customs proceeds as follows:Weighing.The packages were weighed at each stage to establish the weight of each layer of packaging and the net weight of the product.Sampling10% of each type of package was opened.Screening An indicative colour test was performed.In this case the suspicious substance was identified cocaine in the first example and heroin in the second example. The customs carried out sampling for laboratory analysis. They took approximately 2 to 5 grams of material from the centre of the product from the sub-packages and sealed it in a zip-lock bag with a uniquely numbered sample sticker.After the sampling everything was thoroughly cleaned with ethanol and hot water. This included any tools or weighing equipment used, and the paper was disposed of.The samples, correctly labelled with the sample sticker and serial number, were sent to the Customs laboratory.LinksSampling of dangerous goods, Hazardous Substances, Health and Safety, subchapters Drugs & Illicit substancesRemark-TagsDrugs, Narcotics, Illegal goods This material should only be used in connection to a proper sampling plan Order of displayed picturesComment PIC-202-02-A01Opening a package suspected of being cocaine. PIC-202-02-A02Each layer of packaging was weighed separately and the weight recorded in a list of all individual samples. PIC-202-02-A03Removing further layers of wrapping from the suspect package. PIC-202-02-A04Removing the final layer of wrapping.Some products may be crumbly or fall apart.Care was taken not to lose any of the contents.The officers were careful to avoid inhaling any dust PIC-202-02-A05All the wrapping including any under the package was removed. PIC-202-02-A06Take the block for weighing. PIC-202-02-A07Each individual block was weighed and the weight recorded in a list of all individual samples.The scale was thoroughly cleaned before work started on the next block to avoid contamination. PIC-202-02-A08Small plastic sampling bags were prepared for the testing samples. PIC-202-02-A09 PIC-202-02-A10Put a little sample in a small plastic bag. PIC-202-02-A11The samples were placed in sampling bags and numbered stickers put on each. A record the numbers on the list of samples taken.In this case barcode labels were used. Samples must be secured and sealed correctly.Samples must be stored appropriately.The sampling form must be completed fully and the sample sent to the laboratory.Back to top Back to list of visual aids