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PIC-202-01: Solid chemical powder / barrels / Chemicals, solid

General commentary

Sampling of a solid chemical product transported in barrels, because the goods were suspected as a drug precursor.

The goods were declared as alpha-acetylphenylacetonitrile with CAS number 4468-48-8. An SDS document was supplied with the declaration. The goods were transported by air in 7 small barrels. Each barrel contained approx. 50 kg of chemicals. The declared application of this product is „for production of anti-fungal preparations“.

To avoid delay in the transport it is decided for immediate analyses by a handheld FTIR(Fourier transform infrared) spectrometer.

As the sample was identified according to the declaration in all opened barrels it was decided NOT to sample this product.

Equipment needed
  • Sampling trowel (S03-01)
  • FTIR spectrometer handheld device
Safety precautions and risk assessment

You should inspect the product before sampling in order to assess if there are any risks during sampling.

According to the information on the SDS document the product is an irritant chemical in the form of a white powder. Avoid direct contact with the skin, wear gloves and eye protection.

Opening metal barrels may create additional hazards.

Relevant information from the SDS

Product: alpha-acetylphenylacetonitrile
CAS number: 4468-48-8

Potential Health Effects

  • Inhalation: May be harmful if inhaled. Causes respiratory tract irritation.
  • Skin: May be harmful if absorbed through skin. Causes skin irritation.
  • Eyes: Causes serious eye irritation.
  • Ingestion: May be harmful if swallowed.


  • Appearance
    • Form: powder
    • Colour: white
  • Safety data
    • pH: no data available
    • Melting point: 92 – 94 ˚C (198 – 201 ˚F) – lit.
Sampling plan

Consignments for customs clearance – Sampling from barrels or drums: One sample is usually taken as representing the goods covered by the same customs declaration. Separate aggregate samples may be created from containers containing different products or lots.

In this case the consignment represented one lot. The content from different barrels was analysed by IR spectrometer and identical spectra was found.

LinksSAM-202 Chemicals, solid
RemarkTariff classification: 2926.40
TagsChemicals, solid, dangerous, barrels
                               This material should only be used in connection to a proper sampling plan


Order of displayed pictures




Barrels with solid chemical product.



Opening the barrels for sampling. The physical appearance is confirmed with the declaration (white powder).



Preparing the portable infrared spectrometer for analysis the product.

The officer has put on PPE (Gloves) in case there has been any spillage from the internal packing.



Appropriate PPE (personal protecting equipment) must be used.

The inner plastic bag is opened for sampling.

Dust mask, protective gloves and googles have to be worn.



Sampling the product with a small sampling trowel. The sample is put in the plastic container and is ready for analysis with the infrared spectrometer.


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