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PIC-205-01: Heating oil / Large static tank / Petroleum liquids

General commentary
 The pictures in this visual example were taken during a training event held in Tirana, Albania. The site was a large depot where imported oil was stored before distribution. There was no oil refinery at this location. This was a demonstration of sampling from a large static tank.
Equipment needed
Safety precautions and risk assessment

Please refer to your national legislation and guidelines on health and safety.

  • See SDS or ADR if available.
  • Pay attention to safety and warning signs.
  • Wear personal protective equipment.
  • You should be aware of and follow any health and safety instructions in the local risk assessment and/or safe working practices for the location where the sampling is to take place.

For general precautions see EN ISO 3170.

  • Any working activity that exposes workers to the risk of falling from a height in relation to a stable floor is considered work at height. Training must be given and adequate protective equipment supplied.
  • Ladders, steps, platforms and handrails must be kept in a structurally safe condition and regularly inspected by competent personnel.
  • Do not take samples during stormy weather with electrical discharges or hail.
  • Before sampling the operator must earth any accumulated static charge on himself by touching some part of the structure of the tank at least 1 metre from the sampling place.
  • All equipment needed for sampling should be transported appropriately. An appropriate bag or container should be used to carry the samples in order to have a hand free.
  • Do not overfill the sample container and leave at least a 10 % empty space to allow for thermal expansion of the product. This must be done immediately the sample is taken.
  • If the sampling requires you to enter the space at the top of a tank, at least two people equipped with appropriate personal protective equipment should be present.
  • Floating roof tanks. Where possible always sample these from the gantry or access platform above the roof as toxic or flammable vapours may accumulate in the roof space. If it is necessary to go on the roof, there must be at least two people wearing appropriate respiratory protection unless it is proved that the atmosphere above the roof is safe.
  • Always sample with adequate lighting. Any lighting or torches used must be intrinsically safe.

Personal protective equipment:

Sampling plan
 One aggregate sample from three incremental samples at different heights: approximately 15 % from the bottom, half-way up and approx. 15 % from the top surface of the product in the tank. Check the homogeneity of the lot — if the homogeneity is in doubt, take more incremental samples.
LinksSAM-205 Petroleum liquids
RemarkTariff classification: 2710 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals
TagsHeating Oil, Static Tank, Mineral Oil
                               This material should only be used in connection to a proper sampling plan


Order of displayed pictures




When arriving on an unfamiliar site make sure you understand the general situation including the full range of risks associated with any product on site regardless of the particular product you are sampling. In this case the storage facility held petrol, aviation fuel, diesel and heating oil.

Whilst the heating oil has a relatively high flash-point – other products carry a much greater risk of fire so adequate precautions should be taken at all times.



On entering the site, take note of any specific Health and Safety warnings. If you are unfamiliar with any of the signs ensure you understand what they mean before proceeding.
In this case a large variety of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is considered necessary for certain tasks within the site.

  • Eye Protection
  • Hand Protection
  • Foot Protection
  • Head Protection
  • Ear Protection
  • Face Protection
  • Respiratory Protection
  • Protective clothing

This is a very comprehensive list and not all items will be required for each task.
You should check what equipment is required for sampling and ensure that suitable PPE is available.



Assess the access to the sampling site. In this case there are numerous pipes and cables. Great care must be used to avoid trips and falls.



  • Samples will be taken from the top of the tank and you should also check that there is safe access to the top. Steps and ladders may be damaged or slippery if it is wet or there has been a spill.
  • Make sure you have all the necessary equipment and discuss the sampling plan with the operator before commencing.
  • Make sure that you can transport the equipment and sample containers safely to and from the sampling point. Use a bag or case if necessary.
  • When you are satisfied ascend to the sampling point using any necessary safety precautions. In this case metal steps and a hand rail are comaratively safe. Other locations may require you to climb ladders etc, in which case a harness may be required. (see Safe Working at Heights for more information)


Preparing the sampling tools

  • A dipping vessel.
  • A bucket to create the aggregate sample.

The sampling point showing:

  • The open access to the tank

The sampling will be carried out by a company representative and supervised by the officer.



The dipping vessel is lowered into the tank to the correct depth and the secondary cord pulled sharply to remove the bung allowing the sample to flow into the vessel.

  • Near the top
  • At the middle
  • Near the bottom

The very top and bottom are avoided as there may be contamination from water at the bottom or surface debris at the top which are not representative of the product.



The dipping vessel is lowered into the tank to the correct depth and the secondary cord pulled sharply to remove the bung allowing the sample to flow into the vessel.

  • Near the top
  • At the middle
  • Near the bottom

The very top and bottom are avoided as there may be contamination from water at the bottom or surface debris at the top which are not representative of the product.



The incremental samples are placed in the bucket and thoroughly mixed to create the aggregate sample. Wear gloves during this action.



Descending from the tank.
Pay particular attention if there has been any spillage during the sampling as there may be liquid on your shoes increasing the chance of slipping on the stairs or ladder.



The sampling is complete.
The aggregate sample has been divided and the final samples have been placed in metal sample containers.

A box is used to transport them.


Samples must be stored appropriately.

The sampling form must be completed fully and the sample sent to the laboratory.

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